Big Changes
Big changes can be scary for everyone, but there are things you can do to help.
Changes can be difficult for young children (and grown-ups!) to navigate. They may have big feelings and big questions. Both are okay. When your family is facing a change, it can help to:
- Stick to routines. Changes can cause routines to change, too. But strive to keep at least one consistent. Something as simple as a special hug in the morning or reading a bedtime story can provide stability and comfort.
- Hold on to what stays the same. Think—and talk—about what things will stay the same. Say, “No matter what, we will always…” and then fill in the blanks.
- Look forward to learning together. Change often means learning new things (or doing old things in new ways). Remind your child that you’ll all be learning—together!
The videos and activities below offer more ideas to help your family cope with big changes.
Grown-ups can watch this video to learn a few tips on how to handle big changes in a child’s life.