Let’s Make Art: Create a Card
Create a card to help someone feel better.
Sometimes art can do what words can’t! With this tool, children can create get well cards for their loved one.

Elmo Gets the Covid-19 Vaccine
Elmo and Louie share their experience with the COVID-19 vaccine.

Elmo’s Bravery Bandage
A coloring page to help celebrate a child’s bravery when getting a shot.

Hooper’s Store Reopens
As communities open up, together we can adjust to a new way of doing things—while keeping everyone safe.

When Children Miss Their Friends
There are ways to stay connected with people we love...safely.

Good Questions (and Answers) About Covid-19 Vaccines
Common questions children ask about vaccines, and possible answers.

Questions for My Doctor
A place for parents and children to list questions for their doctor.

You Can Do It! Poster
A poster for providers to display to encourage families to get their young children vaccinated.