Learning New Things
Learning can be a source of comfort and confidence.
Children are natural learners, and in challenging times, learning can be a source of comfort, joy, and even hope. A child’s ability to learn is something that doesn’t change even when life’s circumstances do. The skills they learn can build confidence and remind them that they have so much to contribute to their new (or “for now”) community. Plus, sharing what they’ve learned with family or friends can spark conversations and strengthen relationships.
As a caring grown-up, you can help your child develop a love of learning simply by encouraging their curiosity, talking, and listening. Consider the ideas below.
Ask and Wonder
When we encourage children to approach the day (or any new situation) with curiosity, we help to build their resilience, too. Invite children to engage with the world around them like a scientist might, by asking questions: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?
Remind children that it’s okay to ask questions (and it’s also okay for you to not have all the answers. Figuring things out can be a fun part of the process!
Look and Learn
As you settle into your new (or “for-now”) community, children will have many opportunities to learn. As you go about your day, be on the lookout for letters, numbers, colors, and shapes and point them out.
Make learning new words into a game! Point to an object and ask, “What’s that called?” Say the word in your native language and then try it in English. Make a list of words you’d like to learn (for instance, color words, words for animals, or names of foods) and keep track of your progress.
Rest and Remember
The quiet moments before bedtime are great moments to reflect on what children have learned during the day. Talk together: What surprised you? What was new or interesting?
Then, before going to sleep, say these words together:
Even though many things have changed and may change,
I am still me. I can learn new things.
I am a learner, and no one can take that away from me.

Daily Routines
Resettling means learning new routines, languages, rules, and so much more. Learning together can help families forge unique bonds that can help them through future challenges.

I know my letters and numbers!
Printables to help children learn their letters and numbers.

Art Exploration
This interactive artmaker helps promote development through art.