Feeling Faces (Pashto)
Understanding and expressing feelings is another important coping skill for children and adults. Helping children name emotions is an important first step in building social-emotional skills, and can lay the foundation for honest, healing conversations. Knowing the names of feelings can help children identify and talk about their own emotions, as well as develop empathy for others who may be feeling the same way.
Print this page and point to the different characters. Talk with children about how they are feeling. You can say, “Look, Big Bird is feeling happy. He’s smiling.” Make feeling faces along with the characters. You can say, “This is my happy face.” Children can color the page.

Sesame Street Friends Coloring Page (Pashto)

I know my letters and numbers! (Pashto)

I Am Somebody (Pashto)

What Changes? What Stays the Same? (Pashto)

Let’s Play
Storybook for children and families about the joys of learning through play!

Elmo’s Big Feelings
Storybook for children and families about emotions.