Provider Workshop: Healthy Goodbyes Resources part 2
In the face of these challenges, you can model healthy goodbyes.
Explore the Strategies
In the face of the challenges of separation, you can model healthy goodbyes. In the part 1 video, providers talked about three strategies. Consider how they each might look in action in your work, viewing the video again if helpful. What exactly will you say or do, and how? Write down one idea for each strategy, being as specific as possible:
- Establish routines
- Let children know when a change is coming
- Celebrate the positives and share memories
Then consider these questions. If viewing with colleagues, discuss your thoughts.
- What is the relationship between setting limits and providing a sense of security?
- What do you think are the most important benefits for children of feeling safe?
- What would helping children “ease in” look like in your setting? (What opening song might you sing together? What type of greeting might you offer? What might a tabletop activity be?)
Ideas Into Action: Sharing Comfort Strategies with Children
You can show children how others use strategies for self-soothing. Share this video in which Muppet show and celebrate their “loveys.” Depending on children’s age, you might sit in a play space with them and say, for instance:
- Let’s feel this cloth (or blanket or pillow). Doesn’t it feel soft and silky?
- Elmo loves to hug Baby David. Is there a stuffed animal or doll here you’d like to hug right now?

Provider Workshop: Healthy Goodbyes
In the face of these challenges, you can model healthy goodbyes.

Ideas Into Action: Sharing Comfort Strategies with Children
You can show children how others use strategies for self-soothing.

Ideas Into Action: Grown-Ups Come Back
A bag of ribbons can go a long way!