Building Confidence
Use these playful ideas below to help boost children’s confidence.
Big transitions and changes can cause many feelings, including self-doubt, for your child. Developing an “I can do it” attitude can help your little one redirect his negative feelings and help them face challenges with more optimism.
The playful ideas below can help boost children’s confidence. Try these ideas when you and your family are feeling somewhat calm. When things feel more stressful, taking a deep breath or standing tall and still can help children feel connected to themselves and the present moment.
Guess the Feeling
Take turns showing different emotions with your face and body. Can the other guess the feeling? This game will help children learn what to call their feelings—helping them feel more confident talking with you and asking for help when they need it.
I Can Do It…Can You?
One positive thing about resettling in a new place is that you get to learn many new things, every day. Learning new skills can help us all develop confidence!
Try this little game with your child:
- Say and show something you can do, such as jumping on one foot, throwing a ball, or drawing letters and numbers.
- Then invite them to give it a try. Say, “I can do it. Can you?”
- Take turns to let your child show off their skills, too.
- And finally, practice—and celebrate—often!
Accomplishments—big and small—add to a child’s sense of confidence that she can remember in tough times. Keep a list of all your child’s accomplishments and display the growing list in a place that they can see every day.
Count to Five
Use your fingers to count to five. As you count, say something positive about your child, such as, “You are brave” or “You are helpful” or “You are kind to your siblings.” Invite them to do the same for you or another family member. Encouragement—from a caring adult or even from themselves—can help children feel confident.