Cross-sector Collaboration: Protection
Play to Learn’s experience integrating protection and early childhood development (ECD) services.
Play to Learn ECD services intentionally integrated culturally relevant universal protective factors.
Play to Learn programs provided:
- Opportunities for early learning;
- Opportunities to participate in cultural or ritual practices that foster a sense of belonging;
- Activities that strengthen a nurturing and responsive relationship with a caregiver; and
- Opportunities to practice regulating emotions.
This page highlights Play to Learn programs that integrated universal protective factors (The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, 2021) into ECD services or that Play to Learn delivers in coordination with protection actors.
Supporting young children’s healthy development requires programming across multiple technical areas, including psychosocial support, health, education, and social protection. For more highlights on cross-sector integration strategies from across the project, see here.

Humanitarian Play Lab
Play leaders and Project Assistants foster young children’s development by engaging children in culturally grounded playful activities, such as- kabbyas, kissas, physical play, art activities etc.

Mother-Child Dyad Model
A parenting program that promotes mothers’ well-being and healthy child engagement through play and child stimulation.

Pashe Achhi Telecommunication Model
Pashe Achhi means “Beside You” in Bangla. It is a phone-based remote learning model developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Father’s Engagement Model
A parenting program promotes fathers’ well-being and healthy child engagement through play. Fathers will be respectful to spouses and create a nurturing home, they will understand their own emotions and create a positive, playful and respectful relationship with children.

Research Brief: Findings from a Father Engagement Model
Research findings on family dynamics known to improve child development outcomes

Semillas de Apego: Watch, Play, Learn Integration Pilot Colombia
Integrating Watch, Play, Learn social emotional learning (SEL) videos into Semillas de Apego’s community-based psychosocial program for caregivers of young children in communities affected by conflict and forced displacement

Engaging Caregivers
Play to Learn worked with caregivers to provide responsive and nurturing care, as well as meet their own needs, as people experiencing the stresses of displacement, natural disasters, and economic crises.