Sesame Street Season 54 Curriculum

Season 54 Curriculum

Sesame Street’s Season 54 curriculum continues to focus on helping children grow up with a healthy sense of self and belonging and do so in full celebration of their culture and our diverse world. This season, your Sesame Street friends model how they celebrate the differences and embrace the similarities in their neighborhood. Through fun, uplifting stories, children will learn to feel confident, proud of who they are, and joy in connecting with and learning about others.

As in Season 53, these stories act as mirrors that reflect the lives of children and their families, as windows that offer them views to see and learn about others, and as sliding doors, which invite children to participate in new experiences with their Sesame friends! Together, these stories support children’s development of a positive self-identity, deepen their understanding of others, and model acting with kindness, fairness, and respect.

Read on for stories that celebrate differences and embrace similarities belonging in this season’s episodes:

Press Kit
Sesame Street Season 54