Holiday Fun!
Ways for families to stay connected during the holiday season.
It’s that special time of year! The holiday season brings an amazing opportunity for families to spend quality time together.
Try some of these activities to keep little ones busy, engaged, and learning while making memories together as a family.
Tell a Story!
Whether you’re sharing a memory or snuggling up with a child’s favorite book, telling stories is a great way to build vocabulary, fuel curiosity, and start conversations with little ones. Watch this video in which Rosita and Abuela make up their own version of a Mexican folktale about Luna Rabbit—a bunny who lives on the moon. Then, try making up your own! Maybe there is a special holiday memory that can turn into a story to be told for years to come.
Move Together
Staying active helps the whole family feel healthy and happy in mind and body. Watch this video with children and dance, move, and wiggle along with Elmo. Or make a family playlist and host a dance party all your own!
Get Crafty
Making art helps children experiment, explore, and express themselves. And there are lots of easy ways for families to get creative together! Try out some of these DIY holiday crafts.