Watch the Third ABCs of COVID Town Hall
From December 19th, 2020.
Our third installment of The ABC’s of COVID-19 was again hosted by CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Erica Hill along with Sesame Street’s Big Bird, as kids and families everywhere persevere through the COVID-19 pandemic.
The hour-long special helps families prepare for a very different holiday season, as familiar faces from Sesame Street and experts from CNN and across the country answer children’s questions about staying healthy through the winter months, celebrating the holidays while distanced from extended family and friends, and coping with big feelings as they continue to face unprecedented challenges in their young lives.

Hooper’s Store Reopens
As communities open up, together we can adjust to a new way of doing things—while keeping everyone safe.

When Children Miss Their Friends
There are ways to stay connected with people we love...safely.

Elmo Gets the Covid-19 Vaccine
Elmo and Louie share their experience with the COVID-19 vaccine.

Elmo’s Bravery Bandage
A coloring page to help celebrate a child’s bravery when getting a shot.

Good Questions (and Answers) About Covid-19 Vaccines
Common questions children ask about vaccines, and possible answers.

Questions for My Doctor
A place for parents and children to list questions for their doctor.

You Can Do It! Poster
A poster for providers to display to encourage families to get their young children vaccinated.