Terry Crews Is an Artist
Terry Crews, Count, and Abby talk about the word “artist.”
Artists paint, sculpt, draw, weave, and more. But anyone who creates (such as musicians, dancers, and chefs) is an artist. Together with children, watch this video to learn how Terry Crews wears different “artist hats,” then talk about the types of art you enjoy. Who are your favorite illustrators, authors, musicians, dancers, actors, and so on?

Musical Show & Share
A video about coming together to create something beautiful.

See Us Coming Together Song
Join Elmo, Abby, and Tamir in welcoming a new friend, Ji-Young, to their Best Friends Band!

The Best Friends Band
Elmo, Abby, Tamir, and their new friend Ji-Young sing about how we all belong to one another.

The Friends in Your Neighborhood
A song celebrating the diverse people and friends in a community.

Playing With Colors
An interactive game to build the basic skill of color recognition.

Building and Rebuilding Language Skills—and Community!
An article about building children’s language skills by enriching your interactions.

A Conversation About Art Therapy
In this webinar, Sesame Workshop’s Tara Wright, and Art Therapist Natasha Westrich Wood talk together about how young children (and grown-ups) can communicate and express themselves through art.