Smiles and Frowns
Focusing on the positive helps make negative moments seem more manageable.
Some days are tougher than others, but there are strategies for coping with a day that’s gone wrong. In this video, Abby and her mom discover ways to feel better about the day that’s just passed and look forward to the one that’s coming.
- Before watching: Explain that everyone has bad days. Ask your child: “Have you ever had a day when everything seemed to go wrong? Tell me about it.” Share a time when a day was especially rough for you. Then say, “Let’s see what Abby does when she has that kind of day.”
- While you watch: Point out the different strategies Abby’s mom suggests in the video: talking about feelings together; making healthy choices; doing things that bring enjoyment; and celebrating.
- After watching: Remind your child that even the worst days usually have some good moments to remember. Focusing on the positive parts of the day help to make the difficult moments less overwhelming. Celebrate getting through the day’s challenges: Way to go, me!

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When Children Miss Their Friends
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Roads to Resilience
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