Languagizing with Kathy Hirsh-Pasek
In this webinar, Dr. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek shares her six languagizing principles that can use to languagize any interaction or environment!
Language is the single best early predictor of how children will perform when they enter formal schooling. As caring grown-ups, we can encourage healthy language development by having rich conversations and creating interactive, language-rich environments.
In this webinar, hear from Dr. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, the Stanley and Debra Lefkowitz Faculty Fellow in the Department of Psychology at Temple University and Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution. Kathy is a researcher in the areas of language, play, and child development. She’s also a long-time Sesame Street advisor. Listen in as she shares six languagizing principles that you can apply in your work with young children.
Learning Goals:
- Learn the six languagizing principles
- Explore ways to incorporate the principles into your interactions and environments
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Download these printables to support this webinar.

Tips for Shared Reading with Children Birth to Three
Tips for using reading time to bond with your child and build their language and literacy skills.

Tips for Shared Reading with Children Three to Five
Tips to make shared reading a time for learning and connection.

A Mighty Voice
Finding confidence in the ways that you tell stories will make them even more special to the children you share them with.

Grow, Grow, Grow!
A story about Elmo and his daddy using a book to grow a flower.

One More Time
There are lots of different ways to share the same story, again and again!

Buzzing About Books
As children grow, they can engage with books (and caring grown-ups!) in special ways.

A Star Reader
There are many steps to reading, and all are important to becoming a great reader. It’s a process!