
Healthy Eating: Supporting Families

Help parents brainstorm ways to make healthy eating fun and easy.

Family life is busy, and parents can always use new ideas for how to get kids to eat healthy in simple ways. Help parents brainstorm and make easy, healthy meal plans for their families.

  1. Invite parents to share healthy-eating strategies that work for their families, and record their answers on chart paper or a white board. Ask:
  • What easy, healthy meals work best for busy family schedules?
  • How do you manage to get the family to sit around the table and eat meals together?
  • What quick, portable, healthy snacks do kids enjoy the most? How do you prepare and pack them?
  • What works best for getting kids to eat (or at least try!) fruits, veggies, lean proteins, low-fat dairy, and whole grains?
  1. Distribute the printables and invite parents to look through them.
  2. Ask parents to make a sample meal plan for the week using meals their family already loves, and adding in a new idea or two from the group brainstorm or the recipes.
  3. Have parents share an interesting or valuable idea from their meal plan and record the ideas on chart paper.