Big transitions, such as being in a new place because of crisis or conflict at home, can be very challenging for the whole family. This module offers strategies for understanding, explaining, and coping with big changes.
Curriculum goals: Improved social-emotional skills; Identification and regulation of emotions; Increased empathy; Resilience

Коржик грустит
Я могу это сделать
Поддержка Элмо во время эпидемии COVID-19

A Welcome from Sesame Street Friends (Russian)
There’s a place for you on Sesame Street!

Belonging (Russian)
Feeling a sense of belonging takes time. Encouraging family togetherness, curiosity, and confidence can help.

Coping with the Trauma of Crisis and Conflict (Russian)
Children and adults can learn coping strategies and resilience-building techniques to help lessen the effects of traumatic experiences.

Celebrating Who We Are (Russian)
Even in challenging times, there are things to celebrate—including yourself and your family.

Learning New Things (Russian)
Learning can be a source of comfort and confidence.