Cross-sector Collaboration: Health
Play to Learn’s experience integrating health and early childhood development services.
Good health and adequate nutrition are two of the five critical components children need to thrive. This page highlights two Play to Learn programs that integrated early learning or responsive caregiving into primary or maternal and child health programs that serve children and families affected by conflict or crisis.
The first program, in Jordan, integrated information and activities about responsive caregiving and early learning into primary health care visits for young children. The second program, in Bangladesh, delivered health, nutrition, and ECD messages and activities to pregnant or lactating women, their husbands, and their mother-in-laws.
Play to Learn also has a range of disability inclusion resources that include standard health information on typical growth and development, as well as what different disabilities mean from a child’s perspective, developed and used in the Middle East.
Supporting young children’s healthy development requires programming across multiple technical areas, including psychosocial support, health, education, and social protection. For more highlights on cross-sector integration strategies from across the project, see here.

ECD-Health Integration
Equipping health facilities and providers with resources on responsive caregiving and social-emotional development for caregivers of children aged 0-5.

Gindegi Goron
Delivering playful parenting, health, and nutrition advice via an interactive voice response system to parents of children under 2.

Including Children with Disabilities in Play to Learn
Resources and insights from Play to Learn programs that we used to include children of all abilities.