Exploring Outdoors
Explore and observe the nuances in nature.
Watch Elmo, Abby, and Louie explore differences between leaves at the park. Then think about things you see in everyday life that appear similar, but upon closer observation, are actually quite different.
For instance, during snack time, observe the seeds in an apple. They all may appear brown and small, but if you observe closely, you’ll notice that they’re actually all different shades of brown, different shapes, and different sizes. At the park, pick two blades of grass. Notice how they both appear thin and green, but they’re actually different sizes, different shades of green, and perhaps different textures.
Ernie shows Elmo ways to turn a used water bottle into art.
Ji-Young and Tamir Build a Robo-plane
A video about teamwork and sharing.
Garden Senses
Screen-time can help families learn and connect, and taking screen-time breaks can, too.
Questions, Questions!
An article about using children’s questions as a springboard into playful learning.
Bert & Ernie Reuse & Reinvent!
An interactive game about upcycling.
Blueprint for Upcycling
An activity page about upcycling.
Upcycling Crafts
An article about upcycling projects.