Tribute Giving
A tribute gift is a donation made to Sesame Workshop in honor, memory, or celebration of a loved one.
A tribute gift is a donation made to Sesame Workshop in honor, memory, or celebration of a loved one. It’s a great way to commemorate a special event or milestone, like a birthday or graduation, and to celebrate those who mean most to you.
By Mail: When making a tribute gift to Sesame Workshop in honor or in memory of someone special, please make your check payable to “Sesame Workshop” and send to Sesame Workshop P.O. Box 21609 New York, NY 10087. Be sure to include a note indicating the name of the person who your gift is being made in honor/memory of. If you would like us to notify the honoree or a family contact, please include their name and mailing or email address.
Online: Simply check the “Dedicate this donation” option on the donation form. Please indicate the person you are honoring and whom to notify via email of your generous gift.