Time for a Change
Incorporate these helpful tricks into diaper changes and potty training.
Diaper duty can be a challenge, especially with wiggly babies who don’t want to stop an activity to get their diaper changed! As you watch this video, consider what might work for you. Remember to never leave a child unattended on a changing table.
Around 18 to 24 months, kids may be ready for potty training. Every child is different, and some children are ready earlier or later. These are signs that little ones may be ready for the potty:
- Wanting to wear “big kid” underpants!
- Going in a corner for “privacy”
- Saying that they need to go
- Showing an interest in using the potty (sitting on the potty and then standing up)
- Keeping a diaper dry for more than two hours

Growing a Language Garden: Everyday Language Development
A reminder of the simple things you do every day that nurture children’s language skills.

Eating Well: Here and There
A printable page with easily shareable resources to encourage children’s healthy relationships with food.

Cultural Connections through Family Engagement for Building Stronger Bonds

Mindful Caregivers
Practicing mindfulness is a great way to slow down and reset.

Tracking Child Development: A Caregiver’s Guide
Keeping track of milestones and going to routine screenings helps children stay healthy and thriving.

The Power of Positive
Gentle reminders for practicing self-kindness and compassion.

The Heart of Communities: Supporting and Celebrating Family, Friend, and Neighbor Caregivers