No Matter What
When the world around us looks and feels different, it’s important to remember the things that always stay the same, no matter what…like the love within a family. Read this autism-friendly storybook, featuring Julia from Sesame Street.
During a health emergency, lots of things are different, and schedules and routines can constantly change—but it can help to remind children that many things stay the same. Being able to count on certain predictable routines can give us all a sense of security and help us feel steadier! It can be helpful for parents to have helpful strategies on hand for navigating change. Consider these tips as you read this autism-friendly storybook:
- Start by taking a “picture walk” through the story and just let your child look at the pictures. Then read the story together.
- To reinforce the idea that children do lots of the same things as Julia, ask questions such as, “Do you brush your teeth, too? What other things do we do every day?”
- Pantomime what you see (for instance, pretend to brush your teeth or eat an apple).
- Ask your child silly questions about the pictures, like “Do we brush our teeth with a banana?”
- Look at the Muppet’s faces and help children name their feelings (happy, calm, excited, playful, interested, and so on). Try making those faces yourselves. What are some other feelings you can both show on your faces (sad, silly, tired, angry)?
- Help your child draw a picture of one of their favorite activities that they can do every day. Everyone else in the family can draw a picture, too. Display them as a reminder that, just like in Julia’s family, everyone can still do something they love every day… no matter what.
- Introduce a new routine to do at a certain time every day or night. For instance, you might sing a song together before a family meal, wake children up in a special way (such as three kisses on the forehead), or stretch together before bedtime.

Julia and Rose – Best Friends Fur-Ever
When Sesame Street's Julia has an idea, she sees it through… with a little help from her family. This social storybook for autistic children models what’s possible!

Super Helper
Finding ways to help their family can be a great way for autistic children to build skills and pursue goals. Download and share this autism-friendly coloring activity.

Time for a Treat
Sometimes autistic children—and all children—need a little help from others to reach their goals. Download this printable for an autism-friendly coloring activity to help explore focus and persistence.

Where Should We Go?
Even taking a walk around the neighborhood can offer opportunities for autistic children to make choices—and have fun! Use this autism-friendly coloring activity to help kids develop their decision-making.

Teaching Self-Determination Skills
Try these playful, autism-friendly activities to help your child develop important self-determination skills.

Setting and Achieving Goals
With support from a caring grown-up, autistic children can set goals, make a plan, and accomplish big things! Read on for expert parenting advice for parents of autistic kids.

Forging Furry Friendships: How Human-Animal Interventions Can Support Autistic Children’s Well-Being
In this webinar, you’ll learn about the science of human-animal bonds and specifically how animal interventions can support autistic children’s well-being.