Knowing First & Last Names
Help kids remember their caregivers' first and last names.
- Watch the video together, and help kids practice the whole names of all the grown-ups who take care of them. You can make it playful by saying, “Is your mommy’s whole name Elmo? No! What’s your mommy’s whole name?”
- Together, write down your whole names (and those of any other important grown-ups who care for your child). Post your list somewhere kids can see and quiz each other each day.
- Print this page and help kids fill in the blanks as you chant the words to Rosita’s song together. Start with kids’ whole names, then move on to any important people who take care of them: grown-ups such as parents, grandparents, child care providers, trusted neighbors, and so on.
- Post the page so kids can see it. Every so often, help them practice by asking them for their own and someone else’s full name.

Offering Comfort in Scary Times
Ways to comfort children through scary times.

Self-Care: During & After a Crisis
When we care for ourselves, we’re better able comfort and protect children.

Wildfires: Color & Learn
An activity book that explores strategies to prevent, prepare for, and protect from wildfire—for children and grown-ups alike.

Here for Each Other Family Guide: Wildfires
This family guide has tips and activities that offer comfort and reassurance before, during, or after a wildfire.

Here for Each Other Family Guide: Fires

Teaching Wildfire Safety
Learn some simple age-appropriate answers to questions children might have about wildfire.

Wildfire Safety: Prevent, Prepare, Protect
A webinar with wildfire expert Teresa Neal from the U.S. Fire Administration about involving children in wildfire preparedness.