Involving & Appreciating Siblings
An article for parents and caregivers featuring strategies and expert advice for supporting the siblings of autistic children.
Your autistic child has a very special source of support in a brother or sister. That’s because brothers and sisters can use their own experiences to explain their sibling’s autistic behavior to other children, including playmates. They may also help out with chores or with their sibling. As you rely on them, remember that they need and deserve chances to just be kids. Here are strategies for caregivers to keep in mind:
Allow for strong feelings. It’s okay for siblings to have strong feelings about each other. They may even feel a few different ways at once: proud and at the same time puzzled, angry, frustrated, or worried. Encourage them to talk about those feelings or to write them down or draw a picture to show how they feel.
Make time to be together—and apart. It’s great for the whole family to enjoy time together, but everyone needs to be alone sometimes, or to take a break with friends—and that’s okay. Try to give each child the chance to spend special one-on-one time with one or both parents, too.
Help your kids celebrate who they are. Ask siblings to think of the ways they are alike, and the ways they are different. Find different ways of celebrating each child in order to express that they are amazing!
Find others who will support your kids. Sometimes siblings need to share their feelings with grown-ups who aren’t their parents. Make sure your children have trusted adults they can talk to.

Teaching Self-Determination Skills
Try these playful activities to help your child develop important self-determination skills.

Setting and Achieving Goals
With support from a caring grown-up, autistic children can set goals, make a plan, and accomplish big things!

Julia and Rose – Best Friends Fur-Ever
When Sesame Street's Julia has an idea, she sees it through… with a little help from her family. This social storybook for autistic children models what’s possible!

Super Helper
Finding ways to help their family can be a great way for autistic children to build skills and pursue goals.

Time for a Treat
Sometimes autistic children—and all children—need a little help from others to reach their goals.

Where Should We Go?
Even taking a walk around the neighborhood can offer opportunities for autistic children to make choices—and have fun!

Forging Furry Friendships: How Human-Animal Interventions Can Support Autistic Children’s Well-Being
In this webinar, you’ll learn about the science of human-animal bonds and specifically how animal interventions can support autistic children’s well-being.