Elmo and Jesse Remember Uncle Jack
A video to show that there are many ways to remember—and celebrate—a person who died.
Grief is enduring. And when someone grieves, it can feel especially intense on (or leading up to) special days, such as holidays, anniversaries, or birthdays. Sometimes, it can help to mark the special day by spending it together with family or friends. That’s what Elmo’s cousin Jesse and her mom do in this video. Even though Jesse’s dad died, they still like to celebrate his birthday and remember him in special ways. Together, they share memories, enjoy his favorite treat, and play a game he loved.
Watch this video together with children and talk (or draw) about the ways you like to spend special days. What helps you feel comforted and connected to the person who died?

For children and adults, it’s important to celebrate the lives of our loved ones who have died.

When Kids Need Special-Special Comfort
In the midst of big changes, comfort items can provide a sense of continuity in a child’s life.

Art to Celebrate & Remember
Art can be healing. Use this tool to create art to remember a loved one.