
Creating Special Times for Everyone

A complete guide with expert advice for helping providers host successful autism-friendly events.

  1. Introduce the Provider Guide. Walk through the guide, giving an overview of its components:
  • Tips and suggestions on making a welcoming space
  • Ideas for activities for all children, including autistic children
  • Suggestions for explaining autism to neurotypical and autistic children
  • Simple crafts for autistic children
  • Autism-friendly coloring activities
  1. Break into groups. Invite providers to discuss challenges they have faced with the children they care for, and how they met them—or didn’t meet them. Share ideas for possible solutions.
  1. If there is time, brainstorm additional autism-friendly activities, community-event ideas, and other ways to create an inviting and welcoming atmosphere for families with and without autistic children. Discuss ways to encourage volunteers and wider community participation.

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