Choosing a Book
Learn the appropriate types of books for your child at different ages.
Books are brain boosters! The more you read to children from the very start, the more their brains will grow and their language skills will develop. Consider these tips for finding “just the right book”:
0–12 Months
Look for small, sturdy, and bright board books (and washable cloth books) filled with images of babies and other everyday things, such as teddy bears or bottles. These kinds of books are perfect for tiny hands and mouths. It’s totally normal for babies to put books in their mouths. It’s how they explore, and it makes them feel that the book is their own special object. And plastic bath-time books are perfect for babies and toddlers who fuss in the tub!
12–24 Months
Continue to look for board books and expand to books that show children doing everyday routines. Kids may also like books about saying hello and goodbye and books with simple rhymes and/or predictable text. 12–24-month-olds may also begin to have a favorite bedtime story!
24–36 Months
Kids will enjoy silly books with rhyme, rhythm, and repeated text they can learn by heart. They can also turn paper pages (not just board-book pages) and may enjoy topics like animals, cars, and other favorite interests. To help expand their vocabulary, look for books with pictures and names of many different things.
3 Years and Older
Children can begin to appreciate storylines and plots. They’ll also respond to books with simple, memorable text: counting books, alphabet books, search-and-find books, and books about school or daycare.

Buzzing About Books
As children grow, they can engage with books (and caring grown-ups!) in special ways.

A Star Reader
There are many steps to reading, and all are important to becoming a great reader. It’s a process!

Grow, Grow, Grow!
A story about Elmo and his daddy using a book to grow a flower.

One More Time
There are lots of different ways to share the same story, again and again!

Tips for Shared Reading with Children Birth to Three
Tips for using reading time to bond with your child and build their language and literacy skills.

Tips for Shared Reading with Children Three to Five
Tips to make shared reading a time for learning and connection.

A Mighty Voice
Finding confidence in the ways that you tell stories will make them even more special to the children you share them with.