“I Spy” Language Skills!
Play "I Spy" in the grocery store to expand your child's vocabulary!
Together, watch the video in which a mommy and her little boy play a fun game of “I Spy” in the supermarket.
Then, play a game of “I Spy” wherever you are! Invite kids to use three words to describe an object they see, for you to guess. Then you take a turn: You might use a word they don’t know, explain what it means, and try to keep using it.

A Star Reader
There are many steps to reading, and all are important to becoming a great reader. It’s a process!

My Favorite Part
Help little ones share special parts of stories in words and pictures.

Read with Me
Track your reading progress with some printable bookmarks!

The Perfect Book: An Act Along Story
Make story time more engaging by encouraging children to act out what they hear!

Tips for Shared Reading with Children Birth to Three
Tips for using reading time to bond with your child and build their language and literacy skills.

Tips for Shared Reading with Children Three to Five
Tips to make shared reading a time for learning and connection.

A Mighty Voice
Finding confidence in the ways that you tell stories will make them even more special to the children you share them with.