Semillas de Apego Watch, Play, Learn Chatbot Demonstration VideoÂ
0:00:01-0:00:08: The chatbot is activated using the key for Semillas de Apego “Semillas de Apego 🧡”. This message is automatically displayed to participants when they click the chatbot link, facilitating their access and registration.
0:00:09-0:00:14: The chatbot welcomes participants, explains that we are happy to have them in this space where they will get to know new tools to regulate their children’s emotions. It also asks participants if they are willing to register to receive the contents of Watch, Play, Learn during the next 7 weeks.
0:00:15-0:00:42: The registration process starts. First, participants accept to be registered in the chatbot. Second, participants choose the territory where they live. Third, participants choose the facilitators that lead their corresponding group. Fourth, participants choose the group of Semillas de Apego that they attend. Fifth, participants verify that the group selected is correct.
0:00:43-0:00:44: The chatbot asks participants for the video they want to watch from that week and displays the video menu for that week.
0:00:45-0:01:35: The participant chooses to watch the first video “Ameera se siente triste (Ameera feels sad)”. Then the participant watches the video.
0:01:36-0:01:38: The participants can choose to watch another video, so they select this option. The chatbot displays the video menu again.
0:01:39-0:02:37: The participant chooses to watch the fourth video “Zoe siente miedo (Zoe feels afraid)”. Then the participant watches the video.
0:02:38-0:02:44: The participant watched the videos and selects the option that states they have watched all the videos. The chatbot replies to this with an encouraging message for watching all the videos and a reminder that next week will bring new videos.