
Welcome to the Brand-New!

It’s easier than ever to discover and share the resources you’re looking for.

“How do I get my son to brush his teeth?” “How do I talk to my child about divorce?” “What do I do when my daughter throws a tantrum?” Parents have lots of questions, and Sesame Workshop has 53 years of evidence-based answers – now, all in one place. 

We’ve expanded the reach and impact of our resources and made our content more discoverable and shareable by combining our various grownup-facing websites (including into the all-new All the resources parents, caregivers, and providers use and depend on are right here. 

A fresh look and feel and a streamlined interface includes categorized dropdown menus that make it easy for users to search and explore our full library of free resources. Robust filters allow users to sort by topic, resource type, characters, and more to find the content they need. And no page is a “dead end” — every content page features related resources and tags to so that users can continue exploring, learning, and growing.

Whether you’re a first-time parent, or just need help with a tough conversation, has free resources to help – along with information about our nonprofit work and mission, our shows around the world, and much more. Happy browsing!