Critical Needs Response Fund
Help us support children and families in Ukraine and neighboring countries.
Sesame Workshop is helping children and families in Ukraine and neighboring countries affected by the ongoing crisis by providing free resources that help children continue learning and begin to cope with the effects of war and displacement.
Delivering on our mission to help children everywhere grow smarter, stronger, and kinder often means acting quickly in times of crisis. The Sesame Workshop Critical Needs Response Fund helps us to meet children’s most urgent needs — whatever and wherever they may be.
Right now, the Critical Needs Response Fund will enable Sesame Workshop to reach children and caregivers affected by the crisis in Ukraine with critical early learning resources. New and adapted resources will help families cope with trauma, communicate and process what they are experiencing, and feel comforted and welcomed while ensuring that children can continue learning in the months ahead. Educational resources and engaging videos — many featuring beloved Sesame friends — will be distributed digitally and through partners on the ground. With your support, we can bring moments of joy, learning, and comfort to families in Ukraine and surrounding countries at a time when they need it most.
In recent years, the Critical Needs Response Fund has supported efforts such as Caring For Each Other, the initiative we launched in March 2020 to help children and families across the US and around the world navigate pandemic-related challenges. With generous help from individuals and our global partners, Caring For Each Other continues to support families in their physical and mental wellbeing as COVID-19 persists. We are grateful to the foundations, corporations, and individuals who have supported Caring For Each Other. Learn more about our supporters and the reach of Caring for Each Other content here.
Please support children and families impacted by the crisis in Ukraine by making a gift now to Sesame Workshop’s Critical Needs Response Fund. Your gift will contribute to our response efforts and may support other initiatives critical to children and families everywhere. For legal disclosures, click here.
Photo Credit: Omar Marques
Here are just some of the resources made possible by this work

Вітання від друзів з вулиці Сезам
На вулиці Сезам вам завжди раді!

Як впоратись з великими змінами
Навіть якщо багато речей змінилося та буде змінюватись і надалі, є речі, які назавжди залишаються незмінними.

Як продовжувати вчитися
Навчання може бути джерелом спокою та впевненості в собі.

Як долати травму внаслідок конфлікту чи кризи
Запропонувати дітям і дорослим техніки подолання стресових ситуацій та способи покращення своєї стресостійкості, що допоможе знизити вплив негативних наслідків травматичних ситуацій.

Вміння пишатися собою
Навіть в складних умовах існують речі, якими можна пишатися – включаючи себе і свою сім’ю.

Відчуття дому далеко від дому
Для того, щоб освоїтися на новому місці, потрібен час. Допомогти в цій справі можуть єдність сім’ї, допитливість і впевненість в собі.

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