Wildfires: Color & Learn
An activity book that explores strategies to prevent, prepare for, and protect from wildfire—for children and grown-ups alike.
Wildfires can happen anywhere and anytime. No matter where you live, there are ways for everyone (and every family member!) to help, which benefit the whole community. Print, color, and explore child-friendly activities as well as tips for grown-ups on the important role we all play in preventing, preparing for, and protecting from wildfires.
If you are currently experiencing a wildfire near your home, you might take some extra care in exploring these activities with children. Make time to check-in with how your child is feeling and offer lots of reassurance. Check out this Family Guide for more ways to provide comfort during or after a wildfire.
For more resources on fire and wildfire safety visit the U.S. Fire Administration’s website.

Here for Each Other Family Guide: Wildfires
This family guide has tips and activities that offer comfort and reassurance before, during, or after a wildfire.

Here for Each Other Family Guide: Fires

Self-Care: During & After a Crisis
When we care for ourselves, we’re better able comfort and protect children.

Offering Comfort in Scary Times
Ways to comfort children through scary times.

Teaching Wildfire Safety
Learn some simple age-appropriate answers to questions children might have about wildfire.

Wildfire Safety: Prevent, Prepare, Protect
A webinar with wildfire expert Teresa Neal from the U.S. Fire Administration about involving children in wildfire preparedness.