Letter From the CEO (2023)
A note from Steve Youngwood
When each year draws to a close, there is a sense of an ending along with hope for new beginnings.
This year, any feeling of closure is elusive, as the war in Ukraine rages on, the Israel-Gaza crisis intensifies by the day, climate and mental health crises persist, the learning loss impact of COVID becomes clearer, and so on. Throughout, it is our job to hold onto that hope and work to make positive change happen, in ways and places only Sesame can. We never forget that, behind the events that have shaped this year and will shape the next, are children and families. They may be often overlooked by actors on the world stage, but they will always be our central focus. And as we evolve in a changing world and discover more ways to deliver on our mission, we find our work is needed more than ever.
Sesame Workshop has embraced change since day one. Sesame Street itself began as a great experiment, and one of our strengths is the ability to continually analyze the social, cultural, educational, and media landscape to assure that everything we create meets the needs of today’s children and families.
Another great strength is leveraging new technologies to provide our proven content in the critical window of early childhood. As growth in media accelerates, we grow as well, to reach more children than ever, in new and different ways. From streaming to YouTube, TikTok, WhatsApp, interactive apps, in classrooms, and more, we meet children and families every day, wherever they are. In 2024 and beyond, it will inevitably include embracing AI and more.
This year has been one of transition within the Workshop as well, as we thanked Frans Hijkoop for his contributions and service and welcomed new Chair of our Board of Trustees, Gabrielle Sulzberger. She will help guide us in building the strongest Workshop possible to prepare children everywhere for the challenges of 2024 and beyond.
Of course, none of it would be possible without tremendous support. We are immensely grateful to everyone who believes in our mission. With your help, we can lean into those new beginnings each year and continue far into the future as every caregiver’s valued partner and every child’s trusted friend.
With Appreciation,
Steve Youngwood
Chief Executive Officer, Sesame Workshop