
The Best Friends Band

Elmo, Abby, Tamir, and their new friend Ji-Young sing about how we all belong to one another.

Before watching, explain that Ji-Young is a new neighbor who lives on Sesame Street with her family. She loves to play guitar with her friends, Elmo, Abby, and Tamir. Ji-Young is Korean-American. In Korean, Ji means smart and Young means brave. And Ji also has another special meaning: Sesame!

Then, watch the video together with children. You might also:

  • Point out that before Ji-Young starts the song, she counts to four in Korean. Do you know how to count in more than one language? Count together! (If not, try looking up how to count to four in any language you wish, and try it together.)
  • On a second viewing, sing and move along with Elmo, Abby, Tamir, and Ji-Young. Add your own instruments, or clap, tap, or stomp!
  • Ji-Young sings about being proud. Talk about the word “proud”: It is a wonderful feeling. It’s when we feel really good about who we are or about something we did. We can feel proud about what someone else did, too. Ask, “What do you feel proud about?”
  • Ji-Young also sang about how she’s special and unique on the outside and the inside. Ask children, “What makes you special on the outside and inside?” Help children get started by suggesting some of your own ideas.