
Hooper’s Store Reopens

As communities open up, together we can adjust to a new way of doing things—while keeping everyone safe.

  1. Before Viewing: Explain to your child that you’ll watch Abby and her mom go back to Hooper’s Store, which has recently reopened with some different rules. (You might share this video before you bring children to a store or any public place, to help children know what to expect.) Since there will be different practices depending on your town, city, and state, you can explain the new rules.
  1. During Viewing: Watch once all the way through. Then watch again, pausing to talk together about what you’re seeing. Ask:
    • What has stayed the same at Hooper’s Store? (it still has the things Abby and her family need, the Sesame friends are still gathering there)
    • What is different? (the friends are lined up six feet apart, Abby has to say hi in new ways instead of hugging, they can’t all go in at once, Abby has to remember to not touch anything)
  1. After Viewing: Play a game of Store at home! Put on masks and act out waiting in line at a distance from stuffed animals or dolls, pretend to say hello to others with air high fives or self-hugs, walk carefully around the room without touching anything around you, and so on.