
Care for the Caregivers

Caregivers need support and self care to become a source of strength for their families.

Taking care of an injured loved one can feel intense. It helps for caregivers to take time for themselves to recharge. When you embrace a circle of care, you can find stability and be stronger for your family.

Caregiving brings up big feelings. The intensity of caring for an injured loved one can leave caregivers feeling angry, lonely, or burnt out. But when you make time to take care of yourself, you can replenish your strength for taking care of your family.

It’s okay to take a break. Working through tough feelings helps caregivers begin to seek the relief and support they need. Setting aside any guilt for taking time to herself, Triza goes for walks or drives, talks to her mother for reassurance, and practices meditation and deep breathing.

Circle of care. Caregiving families find balance when they push each other toward self-growth and reach out to loved ones for support. Keeping to routines and honoring the unique needs of the injured parent gives families a sense of stability. Lending a listening ear to others, as Triza does through mentoring, grows the circle of care.